Thursday, October 16, 2008


  • Yesterday was one of those days I knew that i should probably get parts of on paper before they whisked off right out of my head. I had to stop at the dreaded superstore and while there decided to take my shaggy headed Lukey for a haircut. The lady did a lovely job and he sat so nicely for her. As I paid, I didn't tip her, I normally would but I had this nudge not to. Wierd, I know. we were putting our groceries away, a gentleman came up and asked if he could put our cart away for us - for the loonie, because he and his girlfriend were out of gas. I had been approached similarly in Kamloops, but by much younger people. I would say this guy was in his 30's and very polite. As I gave him my cart I knew I was to do something else. I got my kids into the truck and scoured the parking lot for him - found him putting away another cart. I went over and handed him the $5 would-have-been-tip. I told him that we had been through our share of tight times and wished him the best. He then proceeded to pull out his wallet and show me that he has a Class One driver's license and had been trying to find work but none of the big companies were hiring for at least a month. I prodded a little further - 'did you just move here?' Yes, from Edmonton and he and his girlfriend are living in his car...and it was all okay as long as his girlfriend kept warm. I wished him the best and sent him on his way, all the while wondering if I should have done more. Should I have asked him if he knew Jesus? Should I have bought them a hot meal? Should I have made sure they had proper blankets and such? THIS is where my heart is and i have been reminded of it time and time again lately. I don't know where God will lead me to but I am willing.
  • So that was one part of my day, the other was on the drive home. I had my encounter with 'the least of these' and now He wanted to minister to me. I struggle greatly with feeling low because of my appearance. My teeth are crooked and nasty and sadly that often consumes the way I feel about me. I feel ugly and that everyone must perceive me that way. I generally don't like to look at myself in the is just easier to not. Now I know most people would tell me "Give me a break Penny, you are so far from ugly..." etc but the truth is these are my feelings. So, again I was dwelling on this on the way home and oh so clearly He spoke to my spirit. "Penny, I want to make you beautiful on the inside. You will see that none of this will matter then...let me make you beautiful, you will see!" I cried. It is so much the truth, I need to allow him to clean things up on the inside and it WILL shine through. He is SO patient with me. Thank you Jesus.