Thursday, May 29, 2008

Been meaning to do this for a long time

Seriously, that is the story of my life. I AM a procrastinator. I am not proud of that fact, it causes me trouble on a daily basis but it IS a fact. So, after much procrastination, I have a blog. Well, Ihad one before but I never stuck with it and now it has been eaten by the netherwold of the internet.

Let me introduce myself. I am a 37 year old housewife and stay at home mom. My husband and I have 4 kiddos. Matt is 11, Solomon is 6, Lukey is 4 and Rachel is 22mths. You may find that those four little people end up taking up the majority of my posts on here. Hey, I spend a lot of time with them! I will get around to photos ad that sort of thing sometime soon....really I will. My husband is a network analyst for our health region. We live in northern Alberta...where the winters are long and the mosquitoes grow large. We are Christians and attend a baptist church....when we make it ;) I spend way too much time here on the internet and way too little time cleaning my house. So, if you see my mess, please understand...or at least pretend to.

I read this article a few months ago and it almost frightened me how much of myself it portrayed: That is me in a nutshell. Scary when these things get stuck in your face like that!

That's all for now! Hope to get back to this soon...